Sunday, December 30, 2007

Three Magazines A MUST for the New Year

As I was sitting and waiting for my Chiropractor on Friday I picked up a magazine Vegetarian Times...VERY GOOD with lots of good recipes for health and wellness. I will be doing som eof them in the Cafe when we open.

That is my first pick on healthy magazines to change your life, make you healthier and change your attitude!

#2 is a must as well...Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine ( A Peer-Reviewed Journal)

#3 gotta have it too! Breakthroughs in Health

Anyone that is interested in healing their bodies have to have these three magazines in the New Year...

The more I read the more I am convinced that my thyroid issue is most certainly a "symptom" of something lifestyle and diet!!

Food is thy medicine and medicine is thy food.

I am seeing more clearly as to why i created this in my life as well.
The Cafe has got to be a place where people can EAT healthy.
We just don't have the choices in our society..and it is get FRESH, LOCALLY GROWN, ORGANIC food...this kind of food actually can help the body heal.

ON a National level..things need to change in this country.

So I am now on the sublingual B-12 and am feeling better. So hard to tell which "change" is causing the shift...but I feel good and have more energy today and that's what counts.

I have cut my Armour dose in half for now from 180 mg to 90..I take the whole 90 mg in the morning first thing on an empty stomach.

I will be back with more information soon.

Trust you all are enjoying the weekend.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thurs. Dec. 27th, 2007

Boy it has been in interesting Christmas so far.
As I'm trying to get a schedule going with regards to my health I have been having some issues.

1. My Naturopath here in St. Louis doesn't seem to want to e-mail me back about my questions, not sure what to think about that.

2. On Christmas day my body was giving me fits. I had started my period on Sunday. I have never really had cramps..usually don't know when I'm going to start, always mark it on the calendar. We all decided to go to a movie as the ham was cooking. On the way to the theater I had severe cramping. Then passed some clots after we got there and started bleeding nonstop..scared me and actually made me feel faint and light headed, thought maybe we needed to go to the ER. I sat through the movie..had to get up twice to change tampons and got scared, didn't go into panic but was worried about what the heck was going on. Roger drove home, I felt better as the bleeding slowed down. But then about 7 p.m. my heart started racing and I was not feeling very good at all. Thought once again should I go to the ER. Decided not to and took a hot bath and tried to get to sleep. Was not very successful at that, worried about what was going on with me. Sad that I'm in this "place" in my life and not healthier. Never have had issues around my period.

So what' going on? well my daughter suggested I look up the symptoms of menapause. Yep I have a lot of those. The n there is the Hashimoto's going on..the Candida and the mercury poisoning.

I received my mercury test in the mail yesterday, have not yet opened it to see what i need to do.

I went to WHOLEFOODS and got a sunlingual B-12 for under my tongue. No more shots. I just can't do the shot thing. I have asked my Naturopath how much to take, she has not responded. I am happy about finding this alternative.

Tomorrow I begin on a regimine ( sp?) of suppliments and I begin the "start" of the lifestyle changes.

I looked on-line for a Candida diet and found one at a site called go there and check them out..GREAT site in my opinion.

I asked Dr. Lou if i could share all that he has shared with me and he said belongs to the Universe. :-)
So if anyone needs the information, just contact me and I will forward on ALL that I have.

I read most of the 90 page document on Cayenne Pepper and how it heals the body...I am faxing a message to get the catalog sent to me and I will also order some of his tinctures.

Also another site that looks very good, but costs soem money to join is
Run by Dr. Larrian of You're Not Crazy, It's Your Hormones.

Well i think my hormones are going to make me crazy or poor if I end up going to the ER :-( too many times.

So I will be posting what I am taking and how much and WHEN.

I also asked my Naturopath if she thought it was a good idea to cut my dosage in half of armour.
Before i was seeing her I was on 120 mg on even days and 90 mg on odd days. She changed that to 180 mg on all days. I've had a headache for 4 straight weeks and the tremor thing. I wonder as well if the "period bleeding" is from being on TOO much armour.????

Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't just be better to get off all the ARMOUR and start over..healing and balancing...not worrying about the thyroid stuff...I have two people in my life who have done just that. After years of trying to regulate the damn stuff they just decided to slowly wean themselves off of it and change their diet and lifestyle. Both are fine and on no meds currently.

The heart palpitations WORRY me but as I researched the menapause stuff it's part of that as well! SHIT! Sometimes it's easier to just scream and pull your hair out instead of trying to figure all this crap out :-(

I trust you all are well.

I go see my Chiropractor tomorrow..yeah..always feel better after seeing Dr. David :-)

Be well...
Mitakuye Oyasin~All My Relations

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thurs. Dec. 20, 2007

I feel new hair growth all over my head!
My fingers are sore but i think that is due to typing!

I am gearing up for the lifestyle change needed to heal my body.
I was going to start today but I need to go through my house and get rid of all the bad stuff...and fill it with good stuff. I will do that this weekend.

I did walk this morning.

I am determined to heal my body, no matter what it takes.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wed. Dec. 19, 2007

Couldn't sleep very well last night. Which is very unlike me...but my youngest was up, said he had a nightmare about "I Am Legend" the movie we saw last weekend. I thin he and I were "awake" about the same time, maybe I was just picking up on his "plight". I think I took my adrenal suppliment too late in the evening too...that seems to happen..I wake in the night when I take it too late at night...I'm suppose to be taking it in the a.m. and at noon. My heart was racing last night and I just couldn't quiet my brain. I worry too much I suppose about things I have no control over...I don't feel like I'm in control of my health at the moment. I'm working on changing that.

Roger is out of town for the week, I miss him when he's gone.

Suicide is something I think about from time to time...not that I'd ever really go through with it but the thought of not being in anymore "discomfort" or having to worry about whether my heart will stop on one of these episodes, where will it all end up? I don't know...just seems like this life, this time, has been a huge struggle...when does it get easy??

I don't stay in that "space" for too long, I'm a very positive, happy person most of the time. But I am always and forever asking questions...:-) it's me.

No diet change yet...I'm just gonna have to DO IT as NIKE says...and jump off that cliff and not look's WHAT I NEED to do...why so hard? why the resistance??
When I'm ready I'll be posting here most days on what I'm eating, and NOT eating...the first two things are soda and fast food...must go..both of them, IF I want to be healthy again.

Be well....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mercury Poisoning

I sent away for my heavy metal mercury test this morning. is the website address
I will report back when I receive the test and what it entails to take the test.
Please go to the website to have any questions answered.
I have no doubt that I have one of my fillings "leaking"..I have 4 mercury fillings...not happy about that but what am I to do?
I will check with "doc" to see if removing those fillings is a good idea.

I read years ago when i was first diagnosed that a mercury poisoning coul dbe the CAUSE of a thyroid disorder...I'm going to find out what's going on in my body.

I'm feeling pretty good, still have that high jittery feeling..think I'm on too much ARMOUR but won't get blood tests done yet until after the first of the year ( I think)..will be testing for Celiacs Disease, Pernicious Anemia and Diabetes too..oh joy!

I have not changed my diet yet. That is the last line to be crossed and I'm resistant..even though I KNOW I have to make HUGE changes there...starting off small may work better for me...I'm an admitted fast food addict...and people seem to laugh when I say that but it is TRUE..and NOT FUNNY! I've used "running" away from my house and eatting fast food as a way to NOT FEEL. I've known this for a good many I ready to make the changes??


Be well...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday and there is SNOW!

Wow we actually did get snow, sometimes you just can't tell with the weathermen/women...but I know they try their best.

We're about ready to head into town before the next wave hits. We have 3 4x4 vehicles..boys went to the gym..both had to drive,....well it IS fun to drive in the snow I suppose lol

I am feeling pretty good this morning. I have this "tremor" thing...but I think it may be due to being on too much hard to balance that out since our bodies are always changing.

I felt myself yesterday getting very sad about my state of health and wondering if I will be able to bring it back to where I want it...can I do all the things that Dr. Lou suggests. I certainly don't want to suffer in my last days on this planet and I know if I keep doing what I'm doing and just "cope" with my state of health instead of improving it I WILL indeed end up suffering in the last years of my life here.

I've always tried to look on the bright side and be happy about life no matter what..counting the little things that make me smile and the big rewards in this lifetime. I am still doing that and even more grateful for this product called I learn more about the industry of health and about my own body...MonaVie is truely a super food . I told my kids the other day that they can be grateful that there is a product like this on the market right now and it has been brought into our where else does something like this exist.

I have an e-mail into Dr. Lou about the juice and Candida...can we still drink the juice while trying to battle this candida problem? I'll let ya know when I find out.

WHO knows WHY so many things that WHY am I sick? WHAT makes the body break down...we do KNOW a lot in this arena really though...we know that phytonutrients and phytosterols and plant sugars and antioxidants are VERY GOOD for most people and we are told to eat 3-5 servings of fruit a many people do that? statistics say only 17%..but here's the other things don't get what you use to get from the food we the 1950's you could eat 2 peaches to get your USRDA recommended allowance of Vit D. Today you have to eat 53 peaches to get the same amount of Vit D...MonaVie has met the public with a product that we NEED..we can't NOT drink this juice...I'm grateful I have it..and you can get it too: just go to this website and if it sounds like I'm trying to get you on the juice I AM! :-) I am 43 and have tried other companies, there is not a company or a product that compares to this one. Multiple Streams of Income people...remember that!

I own 4 businesses...
Carpe Diem Moving Systems LLC ( move corporate households all lower 48 states, we own three trucks and hubby drives one of those trucks)

Coyote Bones Cafe and Enchanted Wine Garden ( set to open in May 2008)

Mystical Doorways ( Master Spiritual Life Coach in just a few short weeks!)

Carpe Diem Freedom ( MonaVie)

I also have a Shaklee business and a Mannatech business..these two companies have GREAT products...that WORK...but I don't have time to talk people into their health. With MonaVie people already know they need their fruits and they know they aren't eating enough of's a juice and has an awesome taste...easy to take and the benefits are far reaching.

Ok time to head into town.
I welcome your e-mails and conversations( keep them coming)...keep spreading the word around people...if you feed the body what it needs to heal IT WILL! It is NOT easy to make the changes, but it's your health and ANY change no matter how small is better than NO CHANGE at all :-)

Be well...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fwd: Sol and adrenal issue and the CAUSE of disease

--- In, "Amelia"
<lakotasiouxgrizzly2006@...> wrote:

Was just reading posts...and in all the stuff I'm reading I think
there are a great number of doctors who only see disease as a symptom
of a bigger issue. Get at the bigger issue and you can solve the
problem. They don't look at all the diseases as "diseases" persay,
they just see them as symptoms. Wonder if this is what the person on
your adrenal board was saying.

What I keep finding over and over and over again is that the ROOT
problem for degenerative diseases and autoimmune disorders etc. is
the food supply in this country and other "developed" countries. Yes
they have disease in the under developed countries but not these
diseases that are DIET related. People in the under developed
countries die from viruses and bacteria not disease you get from

So if we take a look at two key issues ( which I am personally
looking at myself)...those two key issues that involve the food
supply in the United States...
we use to be hunters and gatherers...we use to grow our own food and
eat our own food right after being picked.
What is true in the United States today is actually now that I'm
thinking about it 3 fold...

1. We grow our food on "industrialized" farms...meaning the only
thing they add to the soil are chemicals to make it grow quicker and
without BUGS. You can go to the US Government Agricultural site and
do the research on what is put in the soil. It has been known for a
very long time that there is no ZINC left IN the soil in the US. I
think I learned that in High School in 1982. So what are we REALLY
growing??? and then eating??

2. We pick and harvest the fruits and vegetables BEFORE they have a
chance to rippen. This robs the plant of the very process that gives
us the nutrients we need to build health cells and stay alive because
these nutrients we need, develop in the final stages of growing. They
are lost.

3. As soon as you pick a vegetable or fruit it begins the dieing
process and as it is dieing it is losing it's nutrients ( if it had
any to begin with) at a fast rate. This also is NOT big news...we
have known this for years.

So if we know this to be true of our food supply, how do we expect to
be healthy from eating it day in and day out? Why ARE so many people
sick with degenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases??
HOW do we eat for health?

Well the first thing I'm doing is getting help from someone who has
worked with people who have been in stage 4 cancer..he's not lost a
patient yet so I tend to trust his advice. Today I got an 11 page
document of the things I need to do in my kitchen and the list of
ingredients that cause cancer, that seem to be is almost everything
in this country! This makes me very angry! He also told me that I
need to be walking an hour every day...that walking increases your
immune response by 30%!!! I use to walk, every day, no matter
what..and I really felt good then. Also that I need to be at my DNA
weight, which the weight I was at 16 years old. That was 110 pounds,
so i have 80 pounds to lose.

I am buying a greenhouse on-line and setting it up on my property. I
am buying organic and from the Local Harvest store in St. Louis..this
is a local farmers market who sells food grown right here in this
area. I feel like I don't have "many" choices which is sad when you
think about where we live...freedom of choice? in the US?? mmm let's
see...McDonalds healthy, raw, fresh locally grown food? NOPE!
AppleBee's? healthy, raw, fresh locally grown food? NOPE! Ahhh one
of my kids favorite rest. DQ? healthy, raw, fresh locally grown food?
NOPE! Tell me where that freedom of choice is again?? Ahh you say
the grocery store?? do they have raw. locally grown food in there??
no they don't...unless they have a special program in place..which
some do..I am GRATEFUL that i DO have the freedom of choice to buy a
greenhouse and put it up on my property and I am grateful that i have
a LOCAL Harvest store within an hour of my house.

What are YOU willing to do to be healthy??

I raise these questions because the answer to LIFE is not reactionary
medicine ( waiting until someone is diseased and then react to that
disease and basically cover the symptoms) An aspirin doesn't get rid
of your headache, it gets rid of the sensation of pain, you still
have your headache, you just don't know it!!. Now before you jump on
me, I am not saying that whatever you feel is best for you to do for
your own personal health and that of your family is "wrong". We are
all individuals and we have got to be able to make those decisions
about our own health for ourselves. I certainly don't want a
government being in charge of my health...but in a way this
governement, IS many fast food restaurants are in your
town?? Where are the restaurants that feed us raw, organic, healthy
cell building food??? ( I intend to have this kind of good, healthy,
cell building food in my Cafe when we open in may 2008!)
Where is the support, financially for the ORGANIC farmers who are
willing to grow the food that can feed us on a cellular level?? Did
you know that it takes 8 years to certify a field to be organic?
That means it must lay dormant for 8 years before you can grow food
on it and call it organic. WHAT?? Can't we develop a program where
the organic farmer can use that land and have the food labled,
something like, "going organic"..meaning it's not all the way there
but we're working on it? One has to ask the question..why is it so
difficult in this country to get good wholesome food??? It costs
less per square acre to grow organic than commercial. Can anyone say
the word MONSANTO??? who makes the chemicals that are spread on the
fields year after year after year?? MONSANTO. Who is buying up all
the SEED in the WORLD so that they have the only seed left???
MONSANTO....did you know that organic homesteaders HIDE their seed so
that no one knows what they have?? you can go to the organic
homesteading board right here in yahoo and talk to those people.

My auto-immune diagnosis has spawned me into action on so many
different levels. And I am angry at this country for standing by and
allowing dis-ease to be the NORM...and no longer the exception. Do
you realize we are entering a time where our children are dieing
before their parents?? This has never happened before. We have to
wake up and figure out what's going on.

Be well...

--- End forwarded message ---

Thursday December 13, 2007

Received my 4th B-12 shot.
Heard back from Dr. Lou.
Have the site to order the mercury tests.
I am having all 7 of my family members tested,
The website is:
I am upping my juice to 1/3 of a bottle a day ( one MonaVie bottle will then last me 3 days ;-)

How am I feeling:
I certainly have MORE energy..and I have noticed, since being on the juice , I am hummming MORE!!!!! What a funny thing that is lol. I am sleeping DEEPER and more sound and am finding I wake in the morning with a spring in my step. Been on the juice for 3 weeks now, but I am also doing other things, other suppliments and changing lifestyle. My heart "dropping"( my heart skips a beat, doesn't race, except on occassion) is LESS SEVERE..I still have "some" ( maybe 5-8 a day) heart "drops" a day but today and yesterday they were less severe ( hard to explain in print word).
I am noticing my skin is less dry.

Dr. Lou also sent me a "Whole Foods and Other Good Stuff to Help You Look Good, Feel Great and Prevent Illness" list ( 11 pages), due to the fact that I tested positive for the Candida test, so did my husband, my daughter and my youngest son. My third son is negative. My two oldest sons come back from college today and will be taking the test in the morning. Very simple test. So I guess I am getting ready to become very educated on what is in my house and what I am pitching and replacing. He made a point to tell me NOT to send my food ( that I am pitching) to the homeless as they already have enough health issues to deal with. I belive this to be true.

Can it be true that malnutrition and degenerative diseases and auto-immune diseases are LINKED??
If most of what we eat has no nutrition and we eat it year after year after year...YES it would make sense that malnurishment is the cause for many of the dis-eses and illnesses in the world. WOW...I'm feeling smarter by the minute. I think the glyconutrients, and the phyonutrients and the phytosterols are doing something as well to my brain :-) :-) Well of course they are!!!

Be well everyone.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007 Finding Some New Information

I am still researching and looking into WHY my thyroid gland is not healthy.

One of the things I mentioned I was doing was taking this juice called MonaVie.
It is made from 19 different fruits and so I may have to forgo taking it due to a candida problem ( it is high in fruit sugars, and sugars feed the yeast) , but will check with Dr. Lou ( another Naturopathic Doctor I found in addition to my first one Cindy, a team approach is what works best for me).

I found Dr. Niles on-line in the MonaVie Conference call archives. he has over 33 years in the wellness field.

Below I will include what I asked him and then his response back to me.
You can go to his site and get the downloads he sent to me.

You can go to my webiste for MonaVie at

The mental stress has lessoned as I have found someone of "like mind". I was raised to know that the body, if given the right foods, can heal itself.

I basically asked him about going into HYPER thyroid from HYPO thyroid while on this MonaVie juice, since it is loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, phytosterols and GLYCONUTRIENTS ( which I know is directly related to CELL COMMUNICATION).
I told him I was diagnosed recently with the auto immune dis-ease. While consuming glyconutrients your cell communication will improve thus your body begins to do the things it "should" have been doing, like getting rid of the "yuk", and talking to the other cells about what needs to be happening inside the body. The American diet only contains 2 of the required 8 glyconutrients ( sugars) and these are good sugars not the bad sugars ( do your research). So if I'm eating the normal American diet, my communication between cells is approx. 30%..that leaves 70% unaccounted for or 70% that is NOT taking place at all. your mind thinking??
What kind of cell communicatio is going on in your body? If you are dis-eased or sick your communication is not at it's optimal level. We moved away from being hunters and gatherers for our food. The food today is grown in nutrient depleated soils and is harvested way before it is RIPE. Doing this robs Mother Nature of the process that gives the food the glyconutrients/healthy sugars! So even if you are eating "healthy" may be not getting what you think you should be getting in that organic apple.

Eat organic over all else( I've known this for years but seem to manage the old excuses pretty well for NOT eating that more excuses here!)...according to Dr. Lou you get 30% ( I think) more nutrients by eating organic only because the organic farmers are fortifying their dirt with natural nutrient rich substances AND eat as LOCAL as possible...these food items if grown locally have a better chance of containing SOME glyconutrients because they are harvested RIPE and brought to market as soon as they are picked. Better yet...make a garden of your own EVERY season, EAT IN YOUR GARDEN ( as soon as you pick a fruit or vegetable it begins to die and so do all the nutrients inside). And get a greenhouse , even a small one is better than NOTHING, so you can be eating year round the foods your body needs to remain healthy and vibrant and balanced.

His response was this:
"Amy, Ok, what your issue is is inflammation of the total body, not just your thyroid--and the cause needs to be traced. Doing an allergy panel is a good start. You may have candida. Most likely you have a heavy metal issue ( mercury) lurking in your fat tissue--if you want to be tested for that I can help. So, review the attachments. MonaVie is going to provide you a good source of anti-inflammatories, but you have a more complex issue--your overall diet needs some adjustment. Don't worry about hypo-hyper issue, you need to make some big lifestyle changes first. Review the papers and we will talk again. You also need to be at your DNA weight--your weight at age 16. And you need to be active--atleast 10,000 total steps a day and a one hour stroll daily."

The documents he sent me were:
*Reverse Candida Infections and Build Up Your Immune System
*Natural Approach To Prevent and Reverse All Degenerative Yissue Illnesses
*Article 1: Natural Cellular Defense
*Curing With Cayenne

I have written Dr. Cindy here in St. Louis about a heavy metal test and the allergy panel.
As of right now I have not heard back from her.
I took the saliva test that Dr. Lou suggests doing( in the Reverse Candida document)...and I am POSITIVE for Candida ( not a big surprise to me at all.)

I'll be back with a list of books to research if you're interested in glyconutrients and really it's SUGARS...I think the term glyconutrients has been a catch word for advertising. And let's face it people, everyone is out to make a fast do your research on ANY products you are taking, whether from an MD or a Naturopath or your local health food store or the end YOU are responsible for YOUR health. Not the government, not the city ( who may have not told you what was in the water coming out of your tap), not your parents ( who may have had "bad" genes)...the natural body can heal itself if given the right foods.

Be well...and enjoy this day...right now.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday Nov. 29th

Ok here is what i am taking/doing...most of it anyway.

Adrenal Suppliment:
Metagenics/Adrenogen Nutritional Support for Adrenal Function ( 2x's a day, a.m and noon)
I have stayed strict to this since she prescribed it for me 4 weeks ago.

Armour Thyroid 180 mg each day
I take a 90 mg pill at about 7 a.m.
and a 90 mg pill at about 7 p.m.
This I changed on the 19th of Nov. 2007 as the blood work came back.

Blue Green Algae
Dee Cee Laboratories, Inc.
Klamath Lake Oregon...500 mg.
I take 2 pills ( whenever during the day, usually in the morning, 1000 mg.)
Started yesterday Nov. 28, 2007

Supports Digestive Absorption
Digestive Enzyme
Mannatech Wellness Managment
1 cap a day usually in the morning
Started Nov. 23, 2007

Vitalizer Packs
Based on 12 clinical studies, Vitalizer provides the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotocs.
Each pack contains:
6 pills...I take one of these a day.
I have been on these consistently since I saw the naturopath approx. 4 weeks ago.

The best juice ever. I am taking 1/4 a bottle every day.
I'll have more on this in another blog.
The company is new ( 2005) out of Salt Lake City.
The juice has many fruits including the Acai berry from Brazil...that has the highest antioxidant level of any berry available on the planet.
Started on this consistently yesterday, Nov. 28, 2007

Meditation each day.
I set an intention each morning, bring in the 7 directions ( North, South, East, West, Above, Below, and Within). When feeling stressed I quiet my mind and just sit in silence ( this is the best stress reducer I know of!) Done most of my life..have to keep coming back to gets busy but have to keep returning to what feels right.

Journaling: I'm a writer and a journaler and no they are not the same thing :-) I write each day as well as journal.

Exercise: Today I am heading back to the gym for 2 miles on the tredmill and some light weight training/lifting. Our whole family works out after the kids are out of school( 5 days a week), from about 3:30-5:00 p.m. ( Our two older boys are at MIZZOU and are bodybuilders, they work out with us when they are home.) I want to get back on my bike but may wait for that until Spring and warmer weather.

Another blog will contain changes I am already experiencing.

Be well...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Beginning

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid disease almost 10 years ago ( the exact time doesn't matter to me).

I've "settled" for not feeling my best for quite a few years.

3 weeks ago I decided to try a new doctor and a fresh approach. I switched from my MD to a Naturopathic Doctor.

I saw her approx. 4 weeks ago and she took my history and asked me some questions.
She put me on an adrenal suppliment. She said once a person "presents" with a thyroid disorder they have probably been suffering from adrenal exhaustion for 5-10 years previously.
I am to take the suppliment once in the morning and once at noon.

She also put me on a 1300 calorie diet, which I have yet to "nail down". No more fast food, or processed food. I have yet to be successful at this. My highest weight was 260 pounds in 2005. Today I am 200 pounds and my personal goal is to be at my goal weight of 130 by my birthday next year which is July 25th.

She took three test tubes of blood.

I received the lab results in the mail about 1 week later.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. With an antibody level of over 3000 ( normal range is 0-44).
My B-12 levels were "low". They recommended 8 B-12 shots, one each week for the next 8 weeks. Today I had my second shot. So 2 down and 6 to go.
She increased my Armour to 180 mg every day ( previous to that I was on 120 mg on even days and 90 mg on odd days).

I decided to change doctors because I was not feeling well. My intuition was telling me that something else was wrong with my body. I had started a rigerous exercise routine, of biking in the morning with a friend for 12 miles and then in the gym on a treadmill in the afternoons for 2 miles, and light weight lifting, 5 days a week. I was exhausted. Something just didn't make sense.

So last Monday ( Nov. 19th, 2007) I began the new dose of Armour. I felt horrible that day and the next. The heart "dropping" was the worst it had ever been. My heart was dropping beats. By 1:00 p.m. I was exhausted. I had stopped the rigerous exercise routine until I got the results back from the blood tests, etc. I begin again at the gym tomorrow. Starting out slower this time.

Today, yesterday and the day before that I have had little to no heart "dropping" issues.
I attribute this to the increase in Armour, and the increase in glyconutrients.

I will be back later to write out all that I am taking, suppliment wise, and what I have since found out about a new product a friend introduced me to.

This blog is about MY journey with an auto immune dis-ease and how I am dealing with and healing from Hashimoto's Dis-ease...body, mind and spirit.