Thursday, July 30, 2009

Raw Food Diet To Rid Body of All Disease Activity


by zmombomb, Aug 18, 2008 12:13AM

Back in the Sun -- No More Lupus! My Story
by Debbie Seliga
Living Nutrition Magazine vol. 5

I feel like a walking miracle! Not a day goes by without my taking time to to appreciate my self-healing body. I just completed my first healthy year after living for 19 years with lupus, a chronic condition which my doctors told me was medically incurable.

When I was 33 I began having health problems that seriously affected my life: fatigue, exhaustion, migraine headaches, rashes, skin lesions, sun sensitivity, hair loss, joint pain, and more. Previous to this I led an active lifestyle with my husband and two young sons, enjoying aerobics, running, swimming and skiing.

Doctors were amazed when they learned of all my symptoms -- they said I looked like the picture of health. Examinations and tests proved unsuccessful in determining the cause of the problem. Two years later I saw a dermatologist (my 5th doctor) who diagnosed skin lesions on my scalp as a mild case of psoriasis. When a clump of hair the size of a silver dollar fell from the back of my head, I insisted on a biopsy. The results came back positive for "Discoid Lupus." The doctor prescribed Prednisone and Placqanel, and explained that there is no cure nor any know cause for this condition.

After four months I decided to discontinue the medication because of the long-term effects. Staying out of the sun helped me the most, but that was not always possible. Thus, I applied sunscreen strength 50 daily, wore long sleeves, slacks and a hat outside. I sought to learn about lupus by joining the Lupus Foundation and reading on my own. Most people with lupus whom I met shared a common hopelessness about the "disease" and agony over the drug treatments.

My search for information lead me to a chiropractor trained in nutrition and the Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique. He encouraged me to give up red meat plus the "four whites": salt, sugar, flour and dairy. He also introduced me to juicing and the principles of proper food combining. I made these changes and immediately my energy improved, headaches disappeared and other symptoms were lessened. This gave me new determination to find the missing pieces of the puzzle.

The more my body unclogged and cleansed, the better I felt. This motivated me to eat a vegetarian diet and then a vegan diet. I found that if I wavered from eating only the good foods my existing symptoms would become worse and past symptoms would return. While I felt much better, the sun still exacerbated my symptoms and the lupus still dictated my activities.

The summer of 1995 was the worst of my life. It was hot, humid and sunny and my symptoms suddenly became more severe than ever. I saw my rheumatologist for a complete work-up. She listened and examined me carefully, but all she could offer was prescription drugs. I went home scared and discouraged. The reality of the situation forced me to evaluate everything I was doing and why I felt so miserable. I decided my system still needed more cleansing, not toxic drugs.

That week I decided to exercise more frequently. I began by walking every morning for for a half hour or more in the woods. During these walks I gained deeper insight into my health, and it became apparent that exercise helped my body process and remove toxins.

Later in 1995 my son Todd introduced me to the book, "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Professor Arnold Ehret. It discusses the value of eating raw fruits and vegetables for conquering any illness. During the two weeks of following Ehret's transitional diet I gained more energy and became symptom-free except for the sun sensitivity. The less cooked food and more raw food I ate the better I felt and more energy I had to resume an active life. I no longer had any doubts that I would be able to conquer the lupus. I was much better, even though the sun sensitivity remained.

During my long ordeal I always drew strength from my loving family's support. Todd's keen interests in completely overcoming his own health challenge (severe tendonitis) and fine tuning his raw food eating led him to find David Klein over the internet, and in the spring of 1997 Todd visited David in California. Todd's experience with David's valuable health mentoring led me to speak with David and then Roe Gallo. They offered welcome words of encouragement and new insight into the lupus. They explained that lupus symptoms are nothing more than indications of the body's level of toxemia. I realized that I needed to eat 100% raw all of the time to allow my body to heal. This understanding gave me new emotional strength. It was time to end this journey with lupus.

I stopped polluting my body with sunscreen and began exposing my bare feet to the sun for five minutes each day, with encouraging results. In mid June 1997 I was feeling well and confident enough to try wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Walking outside, the sun rays hit my legs and gave me the most electrifying sensation of my life! The energy from the sun radiated throughout my body. From that feeling I knew I had conquered the lupus!

Today I continue to eat 100% raw fruits and vegetables and work at balancing and simplifying my life. Learning of "the 100% raw food solution" not only helped give me my life back, it has also given me a natural mind-body-spirit connection that is beyond description. At age 51 I am healthier and more energetic than at any other time in my life!

I swim, bicycle, hike, kayak and rollerblade with my family -- in the sun! I now live each new day more easily and joyfully.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Forgot to mention

Used muscle testing ( kinesiology) before the filling was replaced..very weak on that tooth. Did muscle testing again afterwards...was as strong as an ox. YEAH!


On the other side

About 3 hours after having 1 amalgam/mercury filling removed.

I have a headache, and my mouth is a bit sore, but that's to be expected.

All in all I didn't have a panic attack..partly due to the fact that the dentist is GREAT. And his staff is great as well. Puts you at ease.

I trust that my highest good is being met with getting these fillings replaced.

I have my next appointment in about a month..the 31st of August to get the next one out.

I would love to hear from anyone who has had their fillings replaced.

I'm tired but good.

Getting My Mercury Fillings Out/Replaced

today at 2:30...2 of them..will detox for four weeks and get the other two out.
I'm hoping this shows a big difference in my over all health picture in about a year.
Stick with me and find out.

YES I'm a bit nervous but I need to do this for my health. I tend to "panic" but will get through this no matter what it takes.

See you on the other side lol


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cortisol Numbers

--- In, "Amelia" wrote:

Ok there are 2 sets of numbers.
Test was through Dr. Fischer and she used BioHealth Diagnostics Laboratory

I am improving although not perfect yet, we are close.

Date Collected: 7-12-08
morning (6-8 a.m) 26.5 (abnormal) Normal Ranges 13.0-24.0
noon (12-1 p.m.) 7.1 (normal) Normal Ranges 5.0-8.0
afternoon (4-5 p.m.) 3.3 (abnormal) Normal Ranges 4.0-7.0
night time (10 pm.-12 a.m.)1.2 (normal) Normal Ranges 1.0-3.0

Cortisol Sum 38.1 (normal) Normal Ranges 23.0-42.0
DHEA-S Average 1.89 (abnormal) Normal Ranges 2.0-10.0

Total Cortisol/DHEA-S Ratio 20.0 (abnormal) Normal Ranges 5.0-6.0

Date Collected: 3-17-09 (approx. 8 months later)
morning (6-8 a.m.) 18.6 (normal) same ranges as above
noon (12-1 p.m.) 4.2 (abnormal)
afternoon (4-5p.m.) 3.1 (abnormal)
night time (10p.m.-12 a.m.)1.9 (normal)

Cortisol Sum 27.8 (normal)
DHEA-S Average 4.51 (normal)

Total Cortisol/DHEA-S Ration 6.2 ( abnormal)

Getting Mercury/Amalgam Fillings Replaced Tomorrow

I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow, but will keep my mind on some other things today, like the rooster crowing outside my office door lol have to try and get the chickens contained somehow so I am not up at 6 a.m. when I don't want to be. LOL

So my Dr. Rose put me on a mercury detox supplement and I've been taking that the last few days..will take two a day until tomorrow and then three a day until gone.

I know this is something I need to do for my overall health. The game is already being played in my head..I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I've read many places though that you can't "balance" your hormones with mercury still in your mouth because it is a endocrine disruptor. So I will take this journey and be glad I did, not expecting too much but being very pleased when positive changes occur.

Being Misunderstood

Well once again it has happened on one of the yahoo thyroid boards. The moderator has mis- understood what I've said, jumped to conclusions and because I don't conform to everything she says I need to do, I'm in denial and close minded.

This makes me sad. I want support in who I am and what I'm doing, I don't need someone to make assumptions about me and then accuss me of being close minded. I think I'm anything but that.

Trying to "explain" myself will only make things worse as she has already "formed" her opinion about me.

So why even go to the boards? I don't know, I guess I can help in some way.

Maybe I just need to stick with the blog and leave the rest alone.

I've been kicked off too many boards to mention, mainly because I don't conform to what is being said on the boards. But I think most people deserve ALL the solutions, not just one. Everyone is different and I don't believe in the "one solution fits all" idea.

The world is on purpose, of that I am sure, and I will trust that whoever gets to the boards are suppose to be on those boards and get whatever information they are to get.

I think the thing that did "it" this time was the talk about the metaphysical side of wellness and dis-ease. This gets to "weird" for most people and it's only, I think, because they truely do not understand it.

Oh well...on to other things for today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What I learned on the seminar today

Listened to the first one this evening since I couldn't get to the call..with Dr. Shealy. GREAT! STUFF!

I can't thank you enough for doing what you do.

Some of the things I learned....

I need to be using my rebounder everyday.

Vit. C and MSM makes DHEA

Don't take DHEA by itself

Minimum of 80% of all americans are Vit. D deficient. This deficiency can cause all kinds of autoimmune problems.

Autogenic training...18 minutes a day.

4 ways to increase your DHEA naturally

1. vit. c plus msm

2. magnesium on the skin

3. natural progesterone

4. stimulate the ring of fire

Do these 4 things and raise your DHEA by 250%

Best way to detox is sweating...2 hours a day outside sweating =20 minutes in a sauna.


Invitation to "Balancing Life" seminar

I am doing is can buy the CD's for later use...but you don't have to.

The first one was today ..this is GREAT information for anyone interested in their health.

The following is the e-mail from David Wolfe....

I am so pleased and delighted to provide you a unique and intensive
teleseminar series that I am participating in.

Joining me in this series will be an amazing line up of speakers
who will each be focused on helping you manage your life, and to
assist you in finding the gifts within the changes that we are
all experiencing on this planet right now.

This series is about "Balancing Life". We will be discussing what
is on so many people's minds right now; how to balance life in these
dynamically changing times. Together we will discuss new methods and
strategies to transform and create the lifestyles we have always
dreamed about for ourselves and our families.

Sign Up For This 'Balancing Life' Series Right Here

In fact, all these speakers will be sharing their information so you
can learn and be able to immediately apply new techniques to manage
your life to its fullest potential.

Here are just some of the people joining me...

- Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
- Wayne Dyer
- Dr. Bruce Lipton
- Dr. John Gray
- Dr. Daniel Amen
- Loral Langemeier
- Dannion Brinkley
- Gregg Braden
- And Many More (18 In Total!! )

I Know You Will Enjoy Hanging Out With This Group!

To take advantage of this invitation to interact with these
motivational and inspiring leaders, simply do the following:

Step #1...

Go register for your no-cost teleseminar seat here:

Step #2...

Keep an eye out for an email with the details for
listening in on the calls (The email will come
from Lisa Garr).

Step #3...

Make sure you go to the download Internet page mentioned in
your first confirmation email after you register. You will
access BONUS GIFTS that you can use immediately just for

I know you'll like this one :)


David “Avocado” Wolfe

P.S. Remember, there are a limited number of seats available
for this complementary teleseminar intensive series, and they're
likely to fill up fast.

So Signup Now, Before All The Spots Are Gone

P.P.S. Also, if you can't make the Wednesday and Thursday LIVE
calls at 2:30 PM Pacific/California/Los Angeles time, they will
be recorded and available after each show for a limited time so
you won't miss a thing.

The RAW MOvement is getting ready to explode

Just my personal intuitive "hit" is saying it is going to explode in the next 2 years. Are you ready?

New movie coming out Nov. 3, 2009 FOOD INC. Can see it now on You Tube..or parts of it.

This will give you the support you need to stay on raw food and super foods. People are TIRED of being sick and tired. And eating raw food is NOT that expensive. IF you're suffering with any kind of needs to be the first thing you change...raw and organic..that is the best food...and if you can grow it yourself or get it locally that's even better. Do this for 6 months and see what happens to your health.

I'm not telling anyone on BDE anything you don't already know.

I'm excited about what's coming.

I'm positioning myself for the shift. My husband and I are currently making plans to develop a CSA ( community supported agriculture) here on the 5 acres we own and grow enough food for 30-40 families and ourselves. We are also opening a RAW cafe in the MIDWEST next year.

Get inspired to make changes in your life...and when you're ready SHARE all that you know with everyone you know. The movement is getting ready to explode...are you ready?

Eat well, live well, be well.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Autoimmune Disorder

Autoimmune disorder:
The Immune System Throws a Tantrum

An autoimmune disorder and a hyper-inflammatory response are very similar and may have common causes. The exact definition is subjective but here it will refer to any condition caused by an overactive immune system.

Autoimmune Diseases

An autoimmune disorder, better yet, an autoimmune disease occurs when our immune system fails to show immune tolerance to our own body tissues. We should show be showing immunity to all embryogenesis tissue, that is, all tissue and anything else that ended up in the fetus between conception and birth.

Yet in autoimmune disorders, something goes awry and the immune system starts attacking "self" as if it were "non-self" and they are almost always cell mediated responses. Recall that cell mediated immunity doesn't depend on antibodies but utilizes the activation of macrophages, natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-cells.

It is more common in young people and females, where it appears twice as frequently as in males. The range of autoimmune disorders is vast and the categorization depends on where in the body the attack is occurring and whether it is local or systemic. Local is an attack of a single organ or tissue while systemic is widespread throughout the body affecting a total system.

A Review of Autoimmune Disorders and Diseases

Common systemic autoimmune disorders include:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - a chronic inflammation and erosion of the joints. Can hit anyone at any age but usually manifests between ages 30 and 50.

    NIH estimates place U.S. cases at 2 million people. Is extremely debilitating and can shorten life. It is not related to osteoarthritis, a physical wearing out of the joint.

  • Lupus - a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that can affect skin, joints, blood cells, kidney, heart and lungs. It is ten times more prevalent in females and is increasing in persons of African, Asian, Hispanic and Native American populations.

    A visible symptom is a red butterfly shaped rash across the nose and cheeks. Other symptoms include fatigue, pain, fever, and inflammation and possible damage to internal organs.

  • Sjogren's Syndrome - A chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the tissue in glands that produce moisture such as tear and salivary glands.

    Ninety percent of sufferers are women over 40 and the NIH thinks there are between 1 million and 4 million people afflicted in the U.S. That's quite a wide range which could indicate that the condition is either under-reported or very misdiagnosed.

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome - An acute autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system. Inflammation damages the myelin sheath that insulates the neurons axon causing muscle weakness, paralysis, spasms, numbness or tingling sensations and tenderness.

    It is a fairly rare condition and NIH estimates about 1 in 100,000 have Guillan-Barre. That should translate to about 3000 cases in the U.S.

Common local autoimmune disorders include:

  • Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes - An autoimmune disease in which inflammation damages or destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreas (pancreatitis) resulting in the body's inability to process glucose (blood sugar).

    Data from 2005 indicates that 20 million Americans have diabetes but 6 million of those may be undiagnosed. Diabetes claims over 75,000 lives per year in the U.S.

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - A chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath of the nerve cells axon. This demyelization can occur anywhere in the Central Nervous System causing a wide variety of symptoms.

    The process interferes with nerve impulses and causes a progressive loss of motor and sensory control. It affects about 400,000 people in the U.S. and hits more women than men.

  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis - The most common form of inflammation of the thyroid gland causing a decrease in the production of the thyroid hormones.

    It is more frequent in women over 40 and manifests as weight gain, fatigue, sensitivity to cold, weakness, dry skin and constipation. About 1 in 1000 will develop this disease at some time in their life.

  • Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease - Both are chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorders of the colon. Symptoms include pain, cramping, diarrhea with blood and/or mucus, ulcers and collection of fluid in the lining of the colon.

    They seem to affect men and women equally and tend to run in families; indicating a genetic component.

One striking thing about many of these autoimmune disorders is the prevalence in women over men and the mid-life onset; usually in the 40's or later.

Perhaps research needs to be done on the sexual dimension of inflammation. What are women doing that men don't do that would contribute to the higher incidence of inflammation? Food for thought as they say.

Treating the Autoimmune Disorder

So far in the medical community, there are no effective treatments for an autoimmune diseases. Treatment depends on the site of the attack, its severity and symptoms.

Options are limited but consist of relieving symptoms with medication or surgery; preserving organ function with medications or injections; and, lastly, administering drugs, such as corticosteroids, to suppress the immune system.

Sometimes a process called plasmapheresis is applied wherein the blood is filtered to remove the problem antibodies or antigen/antibody complexes.

Situation Sad but not Hopeless

When it comes to autoimmune disorders, traditional medicine leaves a lot to be desired but a couple of natural approaches may offer hope.

The common denominator of all the autoimmune diseases is a miscommunication between the immune system and the healthy tissue or host body. The miscommunication results in a failure of the immune system to differentiate between "self" and "non-self".

Cell-to-cell communication takes place through the glycoproteins and glycolipids (glycoforms) on the cells surface.

These glycoforms are produced in a part of the cells internal machinery known as the endoplasmic reticulum where certain sugars are combined with proteins and fats. Today these specific sugars are highly deficient in our modern food supply for a number of reasons. Without the sugars, the glycoforms are not present in adequate numbers and intercellular signaling suffers.

The emergent science of Glycobiology has yielded a treasure trove on the role of sugars in the functioning of the body, especially in the area of immunology. A commercial product that has emerged from this study is glyconutrients.

Glyconutrients taken as a supplement work to enhance cell-to-cell communication by increasing the intake of vital sugars needed to produce the cells external structure discussed above.

In conjunction with glyconutrient supplementation, a second approach is to ensure that the omega-3 and omega-6 balance is a one-to-one ratio. This requires supplementation with a pharmaceutical grade, molecular distilled omega-3 and cutting back on those foods high in omega-6. This action should result in a decrease in the production of certain inflammatory messengers thus mitigating an unwarranted inflammatory response.