Sunday, September 13, 2009

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Reviewing TESTS and starting anew

Days 10,11,12 won't be posted as I don't have time ;-).
Went to see Dr. Doris Compton ( on Friday (11th) and went over the mineral test results and the Saliva/ Cortisol test results. Also reviewed my blood work.

From this information I am formulating a new plan of action ( which will follow), am planning to start it Monday ( Sept. 14th), but have already been on 2 days of new supplements ( Sat. and Sun.) from Dr. Doris.

I will post the test results and what they tell me about what's going on with me.

I realized this morning, don't ask me why it didn't occur to me before, but trying to figure out "what" to do is NOT EASY, it's just now coming clear to me how complicated my own health picture has become. I long for simplicity in my life and my I have read a lot of information and talked to a lot of people and everyone says something different.

What I am trying to do with the NEW autoimmune board I am setting up in Yahoo is to present ALL the information I know of on autoimmune diseases and work with people on a "plan of action" for their own lives.

It would seem to me that people need all the information, what has worked for others, what hasn't worked and then design a plan on what they want...starting FIRST with what they CAN CONTROL. We can't do anyting about genetics BUT I think too many people have bought into the medical professions excuse of "this is in your genetic history there is nothing you can do about it". Bullshit..I say to that. There IS EVERYTHING you can do about it! Depending on your food choices and your lifestyle choices those gene EXPRESSIONS may or MAY NOT materialize and manifest in your physical body. THERE ARE MANY choices to be made on YOUR PART. I don ot believe you are an aimless victim.


On my new plan I will still be 90% raw on most days as EVERYTHING I read on raw is good information. And seems to work for just about 100% of the people that eat that way and live their lives that way. :-)

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