Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I have ordered the following lectures from this site:
Phytochemicals for Elimination of Environmental Toxins Part 1
Phytochemicals for Elimination of Environmental Toxins Part 2
Phytoestrogens, Estrogens and Xenoestrogens
CD-Environmental Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction
CD-Human-Sourced Environmental Thyroid Hazards
Botanical Intervention for Hyperreactive Immune Systems
Immunomodulators of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
2006 Southwest Conference sessions 1, 3 and 6
CD-Herbal Approaches to Autoimmune Disease
Herbs for Autoimmune Disease Part 1 and 2
Latest Updates Autoimmune Disease
Herbal Therapies for Autoimmune Disease: Lupus, MS, RA and Scleroderma

I'll be back with more information on all of these when they arrive...they say about 2 weeks.
Stay Tuned...