Just my personal opinion...my feeling...my intuitive "hit" is saying it is going to explode in the next 2 years. Are you ready?
New movie coming out Nov. 3, 2009 FOOD INC. Can see it now on You Tube..or parts of it.
This will give you the support you need to stay on raw food and super foods. People are TIRED of being sick and tired. And eating raw food is NOT that expensive. IF you're suffering with any kind of illness..food needs to be the first thing you change...raw and organic..that is the best food...and if you can grow it yourself or get it locally that's even better. Do this for 6 months and see what happens to your health.
I'm not telling anyone on BDE anything you don't already know.
I'm excited about what's coming.
I'm positioning myself for the shift. My husband and I are currently making plans to develop a CSA ( community supported agriculture) here on the 5 acres we own and grow enough food for 30-40 families and ourselves. We are also opening a RAW cafe in the MIDWEST next year.
Get inspired to make changes in your life...and when you're ready SHARE all that you know with everyone you know. The movement is getting ready to explode...are you ready?
Eat well, live well, be well.