Glyconutrients: the New Kid on the Block
According to one Medical Doctor, Glyconutrients are the greatest breakthrough in medicine since the discovery of penicillin.
Who would ever imagine that sugar would become the next frontier in biological science? Let's coin a new word, glycology; "glyco" meaning sugar or sweet and "ology" meaning "study of".
So we have just created a new science called the study of sugar. Following that logic, "glyconutrient" would be "a sugar bestowing nutritional benefits.
Well, we haven't really coined a new science. Actually our "glycology" has been alive and well and growing rapidly for the last 38 years or so only under the names "glycobiology" and "glycomics".
The big discovery that gave impetus to this emerging science was in how certain cells of the immune system communicate and the role that certain glyconutrients play in cell structure and function.
"Glyconutrient" is the name given to the family of neutraceuticals based on the science of glycobiology. A nutraceutical is a nutritional supplement that has pharmaceutical properties.
While the supplement itself does not heal, in the sense that a medicine heals, it provides the body what it needs to heal itself and support specific organ or system function.
Dr. Bud Hawkins, a Las Vegas, Nevada nutritionist and advocate of glyconutrients, is often quoted as saying, "the body can build, defend, repair, regenerate, regulate, reproduce and heal itself if you give it the right tools".
If so, why does it seem to have such a problem in doing all those things? I believe that the answer lies in the fact that we are immersed in environmental toxins, under constant stress, take too many medications, and consume food deficient in many essential nutrients, including glyconutrients. The body is not getting "the right tools" to do the job.
And that is where glyconutrients, the miracle sugars, come in.
Let's be very clear that we are not talking about the simple, refined sugar that we put in our coffee and tea or sprinkle on our cereal. We are talking about complex sugars known as polysaccharides and oligosaccharides.
To further close in on the subject, we know there are over 200 sugars occurring naturally in nature but we are concerned with eight specific glyconutrients.
They are often called essential sugars but I believe this is up for debate since the body can make some of the sugars from other carbohydrate building blocks, at least for a short period of time; more on that to follow.
By the way, carbohydrates are another name for sugars; which means that glyconutrients can be called carbohydrates as well.
The Evolution of a new science!
Glyconutrients are a class of major nutrients that have been among the missing, AWOL, at least until 14 years ago.
Carbohydrates and especially compounds from the Aloe Vera plant had been under study at least since 1952 when a study was published detailing how fresh aloe gel heals radiation burns on rabbits but aged gel doesn't.
By 1970 glycobiology was becoming a recognized science and 500 papers on the subject had been published. By 1980 that number had grown to 1500 and by 1990, had hit 4000. That same year Oxford University in England published their Journal of Glycobiology.
By 1992 the active substance in the Aloe Vera was stabilized and it turned out to be mannose, a sugar. It took a full 40 years after the first radiation study on rabbits to find a way to give mannose a "shelf life".
In 1994 a company now called Mannatech was established for the purpose of commercializing the discoveries being made in glycobiology and in 1996 the world's first glyconutritional dietary supplement based on the Aloe Vera research was brought to the market. It was called Ambrotose.
In 1996 Dr. Robert Murray wrote the definitive chapter on Glycoproteins for Harper's Biochemistry focusing on the eight sugars necessary for cellular communication.
By the year 2000, over 8000 papers on glycobiology had been published.
The year 2001 was a very good year for glycobiology; Dr. Emil Mandoa published his landmark book, "Sugars That Heal"; the March 23rd issue of Science magazine featured "Carbohydrates and Glycobiology" discussing the functional and structural uses of eight critical sugars in cellular physiology...
Dr. John Axford, M.D. and past president of the Royal Society of Medicine wrote on the importance of the sugars in The Impact of Glycobiology on Medicine in Trends in Immunology, Vol 22, No. 5 May of 2001; and the NIH granted $34 million to a consortium of universities to study cell-to-cell interactions relative to glycobiology.
More important articles were published throughout 2002 and by 2003; yahoo listed over 63,000 entries for the glyconutrient, mannose, and in 2005 Google had 324,600 entries for glycobiology and glycoscience.
Sugars? Gimme Two Reasons Why I Need Sugars!
OK, as a teaser, here's two reasons why getting a daily input of glyconutients (sugars, aka carbohydrates) is vital.
First is that the 100 billion neurons in our body require an insulating cover on those nerve's axons. That insulation, called a myelin sheath, is composed of 80% fat and 20% protein.
The 80% fat is a glycolipid and galactocerebroside. Those are complex molecules of fat and sugars, joined to produce the myelin that wraps around every nerve's axon. Know what characterizes multiple sclerosis?
It's a breakdown of the myelin sheath. If we don't get enough of the glyconutrient to build the insulation, might we be setting the stage for MS?
Second is that the surface of every cell is covered with structures composed of one or more of the glyconutrient sugars combined with a protein or lipid backbone. Under a scanning electron microscope, those structures look like a forest of branching trees extending from the cell surface.
The function of those structures (glycoforms) is to identify invading organisms, mutated cells and toxins and to communicate with (signal) the immune system to come dispose of the threats. What if we don't get enough glyconutrients to build those glycoforms? Might we be setting the stage for all types of threats to go unrecognized and cause all types of disease and damage to our health?
There are many, many more reasons to have glyconutrients included in our daily diet as will be covered in the following sections.
Glyconutrients; What are they?
Looking back, the fact that an innocuous sugar from the gooey gel of a fleshy, water retaining succulent plant had health benefits was startling enough. But researchers reasoned that if there was one sugar that healed, maybe there was more.
A few more years of research and experimentation revealed that there are actually eight unique sugars that the body combines with proteins and fats to build structures (glycoproteins and glycolipids) having critical functions within the body.
These structures are commonly referred to as glycoconjugates or glycoforms.
Photo: Glycoforms on cell surface
It took quite a few years for the importance of the discovery to sink in since the traditional thinking was that sugars were used for energy production in the cell; period, end of story.
This very shortsighted view still persists today in some circles in spite of a huge body of contradictory evidence.
Consider that Dr. James Lind, a ships surgeon in the Royal Navy published his Treatise on the Scurvy in 1753 showing the relationship between a lack of fresh fruit and scurvy.
It wasn't until 43 years later that the Royal Navy accepted Lind's findings and started putting fresh limes aboard their ships. The attitude of, "by god, I know what I know and facts aren't going to change me", still infects too many people who should know better. Pure Arrogance!
The eight sugars we have been referring to and which have proven to have huge implications for how we heal and stay healthy are: Glucose (Glu), Galactose (Gal), Mannose (Man), Fucose (Fuc), Xylose (Xy), N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc), N-acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc), N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (NANA).
Our bodies need all eight of these sugars but the problem is that only two, Glucose and Galactose, are abundant in our modern diets.
The rest are either missing or seriously deficient in our food supply for many of the reasons already discussed in the NUTRITION pages: green harvesting, depleted soil, chemical (toxic) damage to nutrients, food processing and the use of preservatives.
While these sugars are deemed essential, our bodies do have the ability to make the missing sugars for short periods of time and under emergency conditions. Biological manufacture of these sugars from glucose is not part of the master plan of our bodies, at least not as an ongoing activity.
Practical, Commercial Applications
The science behind a new development is always good to know but it's all pointless unless we can put that science and knowledge to some practical purpose. Is getting well, staying well and living the best quality of life possible a good enough purpose?
Since their discovery, glyconutrients and the breakthroughs in glycobiology research have been commercialized into a number of specific formulations available on the market as "dietary supplements".
Without getting into product names or brand names, the applications of glyconutrients to our personal health fall into three distinct categories.
Cell-to-Cell Communication
First is that the essential sugars derived from the early research on Aloe Vera and its essential sugar, Mannose, have been combined into powder and capsule form.
Their purpose is to provide Immune System support by maximizing inter-cellular communication.
It is the essential sugars by which cells communicate with each other. If communication breaks down, health breaks down.
Endocrine Support - Glands and Hormones
Second is that certain of the essential sugars have been combined with other natural nutrients, herbs and phytosterols to produce a supplement to support the endocrine system.
Recall that the Endocrine System is our collection of glands that produce hormones for all the regulatory functions of our body. One hormone that everyone should be familiar with is insulin...we all know what happens when the regulation of insulin goes awry.
Without hormonal regulation, we have chaos; we have disease.
Antioxidant: Free Radical Protection
Third is that the essential sugars have been combined with certain Vitamins and Phytonutrients to produce a powerful antioxidant with very high ORAC numbers. ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity and the higher the better.
If the body can't rid itself of free radicals, it will literally "rust" away, resulting it a whole host of health issues...autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and degenerative health issues.
Target System Support and Specific Applications
In addition to the three applications described above, glyconutrients have been incorporated into a number of supplements focused on specific issues such as Cardiovascular support, weight control, Fitness, Gastrointestinal Support, Sinus support, and several others.
Need Specific Information?
To request information on any of specific applications of commercially available glyconutrients, how to get them, and their cost, fill out the form below, hit submit and information will be provided by e-mail.
Now let's get back to the science and current state of research in the field of glycobiology and glyconutrients.
The State of the ScienceWith every passing month, new discoveries are being made in glycobiology and glyconutrients. Past and ongoing research is continually updating the available information on how the body uses plant glyconutrients to maintain proper communication, structure, protection and adhesion. We have a failure to CommunicateIt is through cellular communications that our body is able to function normally and glyconutrients play a key role. For health and proper immune response, cell-to-cell communication is needed to identify invading organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Immune cells also need to be able to identify mutated cells in order to isolate and destroy them before that they grow into a tumor. It is also good if immune cells can distinguish between the invading cells and self cells or those that are part of our body. Failure to communicate in this area is the source of autoimmune diseases. The first discovery was that the essential sugars, glyconutrients, are used by the body for intercellular, or cell-to-cell communication. The first implication of proper cellular communication is in immunology. The sugars are bound to protein "backbones" that protrude from the cell like a miniature forest. These external cellular glycoforms have specific patterns that are recognized by other cells in the body while invading cells, or non-body cells have different sugar combinations that are not recognized by the body's own cells. This allows the foreign cells to be tagged for elimination by the immune system. While the structure of nerve cells is different from other body cell types, receptors in the synapse (the communicating end of a nerve cell) have specific sugar "codes" that are only activated by the appropriate neurotransmitters if constructed properly. Blood typing is another area where the sugars are vital. The only difference between blood types is the presence or absence of one of the sugar molecules. Type "O" is changed to Type "A" by the addition of one molecule of N-acetylgalactosamine; and is changed to Type "B" by adding one galactose molecule. (See diagram below) Try mixing up blood types in a transfusion for example and the body will quickly know it is not getting the right blood. The results can be life threatening, possibly fatal.
Glyconutrients also have a key role in the proper functioning of insulin receptors, antibody binding with pathogens (bacteria, viruses, allergens, and anything else that doesn't belong), and even the joining of a sperm cell and ovum in reproduction depends on the presence of the sugars. I Need Structure!Glycoforms are critical in the building of many body structures. Connective tissue needs various glyconutrient building blocks to bind connective structure to bone as well as slow the spread of pathogens. Many people supplement with chondroitin and glucosamine for good joint health, both of which are polysaccharide glyconutrient structures. Glutathione is an antioxidant used by the body to combat free radicals that can damage healthy tissue. Glutathione is utilized more effectively in the presence of certain sugars. Another vital function is the transport of protein and a saccharide component of the transport proteins binds the package and determines its destination. Will you Protect Me?Glyconutrients have a crucial role to play in keeping invading organisms out of the body. Cell membrane sugars can block viruses and bacteria from binding to and penetrating the cell. In addition they are used in the circulatory system where they also bind to pathogens thus preventing penetration. If located on the outer cell surface, glyconutrients can act as a barrier, protecting the cell from the environment. For example, they can block the adhesion of toxins and foreign invaders while allowing nutrients and harmless molecules to bind and absorb in the mucosal lining of the GI tract. Adhesion: Let's Stick Together.To expand on adhesion, there is direct linkage between glyconutrients and platelet aggregation or clotting and restoring stability of tissue. One saccharide structure called heparin is important in halting the clotting cascade. Clotting is necessary to stem bleeding but a deficiency in heparin can lead to hypercoagulation, blocking vessels and leading to stroke or heart attack.
The Direction of ResearchMost current research is clinical in nature. The objective is to discover the inner workings of glyconurients in specific disease pathologies in normal function of the body's systems. The flip side is to discover what structures, or glycoconjugates, do not get assembled properly and various classes of disease result. One set of defective glycoforms are inherited and are called Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation and are responsible for yet another set of pathologies. Deficiencies or changes in glycoconjugates are suspected in the onset of numerous diseases, some of which are the leading cause of death. Many inflammation disorders have been linked to either deficiency of glyconutrients or sending false inflammation signals. Inflammation is closely linked to autoimmune disease. Glyconutrients have implications for the big "c", cancer. Even a healthy human body produces many cancer cells on a daily basis which are disposed of by the immune system in the normal course of events. Often, the immune system fails to identify the mutated cancer cells thus allowing them to begin their growth to full blown tumors. Faulty glycoconjugate construction is being investigated as a possible cause of the failure of immune cells to recognize cancer. Many other disease conditions are being studied in conjunction with saccharide deficiencies or improperly constructed glycoforms. Such diseases include cardiovascular disease, allergies, neurological conditions, hypersensitivity and gastrointestinal tract disorders. Since much, if not most, of the clinical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies, the focus of the studies are to find ways to synthesize glyconutrients so as to incorporate then into therapeutical drugs. It's Spreading Faster than a California Wildfire!Over the last few years, every university worth its salt has established a glycobiology research department. Worldwide, very deep scientific courses on glycobiology and glycomics are appearing in the curricula of most major universities. Just a few are listed below:
In conjunction with the establishment of the science in universities and research institutes, Glycobiology Associations and conferences are springing up every year. A short list of glycobiology and glycomics conferences since 2003 are shown below:
A quick internet search on "glycobiology conferences" will show that such events are already planned into the next three years.
Earlier we said that by 2000, there had been over 8000 scientific papers published on glycobiology and related subjects. The trend continues unabated with The number of research papers increasing exponentially. A cadre of giants is emerging in the field. These are the giants upon whose shoulders future researchers will stand; names like:
...and many others. Dr. Gerald Hart is well known for his quote in the NewScientist article "Sugar Rush" (vol 176 issue 2366, 26 Oct. 2002, p.34) as, "We won't understand immunology, neurology, developmental biology or disease until we get a handle on glycobiology". Drs. Ajit Varki, Richard Cummings, Jeffrey Esko, Hudson Freeze, Gerald Hart and Jamey Marth co-edited the Essentials of Glycobiology, the first work of its kind, providing an ideal entry into the field. It's a massive work with numerous contributors and a most comprehensive table of contents. You can order your very own copy by clicking the link below.
In addition to the reference book shown above, included below is a search box for Abe Books. Select "Keyword" and enter "Glycobiology", then click "Search" and see the scope of books available on this incredible emerging techology. It really has the power and potential of turning traditional medicine upside down.
What was the question again?We have not completely answered the question as to why there are glyconutrient deficiencies. Which in turn result in there not being enough glycoconjugates to do the job or improper construction of some glycoforms. Research has shown that every cell of the body needs these eight glyconutrient saccharides in order to function properly but the problem stems from our food supply and modern diet that is extremely lacking in six of these particular glyconutrients. The deficieny of glyconutrients in our commercially grown food stem primarily from depleted soil, early (green) harvesting, food processing and preservatives. Earlier, we alluded to the fact that the body can produce the missing glyconutrient saccharides from glucose using a backup system. The problem is that the process requires a very long chain of enzymatic reactions and needs a lot of energy to drive the process. Mounting evidence suggests that breakdowns in the process are the cause of many disease conditions. If such a breakdown occurs, and dietary glyconutrients are not available, deficiencies will occur. Vitamin deficiencies, stress, illness and aging are common causes of the breakdown in the enzymatic chain of events needed to produce the sugars needed to make the glycoforms. The bottom line of all this is that we cannot get all the essential glyconutrients we need from our food and we cannot rely on our body's backup system to make them for us. The easiest and most logical solution is supplementation with a blend of the essential glyconutrient sugars on a daily basis. |