An autoimmune disorder and a hyper-inflammatory response are very similar and may have common causes. The exact definition is subjective but here it will refer to any condition caused by an overactive immune system. Autoimmune DiseasesAn autoimmune disorder, better yet, an autoimmune disease occurs when our immune system fails to show immune tolerance to our own body tissues. We should show be showing immunity to all embryogenesis tissue, that is, all tissue and anything else that ended up in the fetus between conception and birth. Yet in autoimmune disorders, something goes awry and the immune system starts attacking "self" as if it were "non-self" and they are almost always cell mediated responses. Recall that cell mediated immunity doesn't depend on antibodies but utilizes the activation of macrophages, natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-cells. It is more common in young people and females, where it appears twice as frequently as in males. The range of autoimmune disorders is vast and the categorization depends on where in the body the attack is occurring and whether it is local or systemic. Local is an attack of a single organ or tissue while systemic is widespread throughout the body affecting a total system. A Review of Autoimmune Disorders and DiseasesCommon systemic autoimmune disorders include:
Common local autoimmune disorders include:
One striking thing about many of these autoimmune disorders is the prevalence in women over men and the mid-life onset; usually in the 40's or later. Perhaps research needs to be done on the sexual dimension of inflammation. What are women doing that men don't do that would contribute to the higher incidence of inflammation? Food for thought as they say. Treating the Autoimmune DisorderSo far in the medical community, there are no effective treatments for an autoimmune diseases. Treatment depends on the site of the attack, its severity and symptoms. Options are limited but consist of relieving symptoms with medication or surgery; preserving organ function with medications or injections; and, lastly, administering drugs, such as corticosteroids, to suppress the immune system. Sometimes a process called plasmapheresis is applied wherein the blood is filtered to remove the problem antibodies or antigen/antibody complexes.
Situation Sad but not HopelessWhen it comes to autoimmune disorders, traditional medicine leaves a lot to be desired but a couple of natural approaches may offer hope. The common denominator of all the autoimmune diseases is a miscommunication between the immune system and the healthy tissue or host body. The miscommunication results in a failure of the immune system to differentiate between "self" and "non-self". Cell-to-cell communication takes place through the glycoproteins and glycolipids (glycoforms) on the cells surface. These glycoforms are produced in a part of the cells internal machinery known as the endoplasmic reticulum where certain sugars are combined with proteins and fats. Today these specific sugars are highly deficient in our modern food supply for a number of reasons. Without the sugars, the glycoforms are not present in adequate numbers and intercellular signaling suffers. The emergent science of Glycobiology has yielded a treasure trove on the role of sugars in the functioning of the body, especially in the area of immunology. A commercial product that has emerged from this study is glyconutrients. Glyconutrients taken as a supplement work to enhance cell-to-cell communication by increasing the intake of vital sugars needed to produce the cells external structure discussed above. In conjunction with glyconutrient supplementation, a second approach is to ensure that the omega-3 and omega-6 balance is a one-to-one ratio. This requires supplementation with a pharmaceutical grade, molecular distilled omega-3 and cutting back on those foods high in omega-6. This action should result in a decrease in the production of certain inflammatory messengers thus mitigating an unwarranted inflammatory response. |