I am still researching and looking into WHY my thyroid gland is not healthy.
One of the things I mentioned I was doing was taking this juice called MonaVie.
It is made from 19 different fruits and so I may have to forgo taking it due to a candida problem ( it is high in fruit sugars, and sugars feed the yeast) , but will check with Dr. Lou ( another Naturopathic Doctor I found in addition to my first one Cindy, a team approach is what works best for me).
I found Dr. Niles on-line in the MonaVie Conference call archives. he has over 33 years in the wellness field.
Below I will include what I asked him and then his response back to me.
You can go to his site and get the downloads he sent to me.
You can go to my webiste for MonaVie at www.TheGreatProduct.com/CarpeDiemFreedom
The mental stress has lessoned as I have found someone of "like mind". I was raised to know that the body, if given the right foods, can heal itself.
I basically asked him about going into HYPER thyroid from HYPO thyroid while on this MonaVie juice, since it is loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, phytosterols and GLYCONUTRIENTS ( which I know is directly related to CELL COMMUNICATION).
I told him I was diagnosed recently with the auto immune dis-ease. While consuming glyconutrients your cell communication will improve thus your body begins to do the things it "should" have been doing, like getting rid of the "yuk", and talking to the other cells about what needs to be happening inside the body. The American diet only contains 2 of the required 8 glyconutrients ( sugars) and these are good sugars not the bad sugars ( do your research). So if I'm eating the normal American diet, my communication between cells is approx. 30%..that leaves 70% unaccounted for or 70% that is NOT taking place at all. So....is your mind thinking??
What kind of cell communicatio is going on in your body? If you are dis-eased or sick your communication is not at it's optimal level. We moved away from being hunters and gatherers for our food. The food today is grown in nutrient depleated soils and is harvested way before it is RIPE. Doing this robs Mother Nature of the process that gives the food the glyconutrients/healthy sugars! So even if you are eating "healthy"...you may be not getting what you think you should be getting in that organic apple.
Eat organic over all else( I've known this for years but seem to manage the old excuses pretty well for NOT eating that way...no more excuses here!)...according to Dr. Lou you get 30% ( I think) more nutrients by eating organic only because the organic farmers are fortifying their dirt with natural nutrient rich substances AND eat as LOCAL as possible...these food items if grown locally have a better chance of containing SOME glyconutrients because they are harvested RIPE and brought to market as soon as they are picked. Better yet...make a garden of your own EVERY season, EAT IN YOUR GARDEN ( as soon as you pick a fruit or vegetable it begins to die and so do all the nutrients inside). And get a greenhouse , even a small one is better than NOTHING, so you can be eating year round the foods your body needs to remain healthy and vibrant and balanced.
His response was this:
"Amy, Ok, what your issue is is inflammation of the total body, not just your thyroid--and the cause needs to be traced. Doing an allergy panel is a good start. You may have candida. Most likely you have a heavy metal issue ( mercury) lurking in your fat tissue--if you want to be tested for that I can help. So, review the attachments. MonaVie is going to provide you a good source of anti-inflammatories, but you have a more complex issue--your overall diet needs some adjustment. Don't worry about hypo-hyper issue, you need to make some big lifestyle changes first. Review the papers and we will talk again. You also need to be at your DNA weight--your weight at age 16. And you need to be active--atleast 10,000 total steps a day and a one hour stroll daily."
The documents he sent me were:
*Reverse Candida Infections and Build Up Your Immune System
*Natural Approach To Prevent and Reverse All Degenerative Yissue Illnesses
*Article 1: Natural Cellular Defense
*Curing With Cayenne
I have written Dr. Cindy here in St. Louis about a heavy metal test and the allergy panel.
As of right now I have not heard back from her.
I took the saliva test that Dr. Lou suggests doing( in the Reverse Candida document)...and I am POSITIVE for Candida ( not a big surprise to me at all.)
I'll be back with a list of books to research if you're interested in glyconutrients and really it's SUGARS...I think the term glyconutrients has been a catch word for advertising. And let's face it people, everyone is out to make a fast buck..so do your research on ANY products you are taking, whether from an MD or a Naturopath or your local health food store or Wal-Mart...in the end YOU are responsible for YOUR health. Not the government, not the city ( who may have not told you what was in the water coming out of your tap), not your parents ( who may have had "bad" genes)...the natural body can heal itself if given the right foods.
Be well...and enjoy this day...right now.