Ok here is what i am taking/doing...most of it anyway.
Adrenal Suppliment:
Metagenics/Adrenogen Nutritional Support for Adrenal Function ( 2x's a day, a.m and noon)
I have stayed strict to this since she prescribed it for me 4 weeks ago.
Armour Thyroid 180 mg each day
I take a 90 mg pill at about 7 a.m.
and a 90 mg pill at about 7 p.m.
This I changed on the 19th of Nov. 2007 as the blood work came back.
Blue Green Algae
Dee Cee Laboratories, Inc.
Klamath Lake Oregon...500 mg.
I take 2 pills ( whenever during the day, usually in the morning, 1000 mg.)
Started yesterday Nov. 28, 2007
Supports Digestive Absorption
Digestive Enzyme
Mannatech Wellness Managment
1 cap a day usually in the morning
Started Nov. 23, 2007
Vitalizer Packs
Based on 12 clinical studies, Vitalizer provides the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotocs.
Each pack contains:
6 pills...I take one of these a day.
I have been on these consistently since I saw the naturopath approx. 4 weeks ago.
The best juice ever. I am taking 1/4 a bottle every day.
I'll have more on this in another blog.
The company is new ( 2005) out of Salt Lake City.
The juice has many fruits including the Acai berry from Brazil...that has the highest antioxidant level of any berry available on the planet.
Started on this consistently yesterday, Nov. 28, 2007
Meditation each day.
I set an intention each morning, bring in the 7 directions ( North, South, East, West, Above, Below, and Within). When feeling stressed I quiet my mind and just sit in silence ( this is the best stress reducer I know of!) Done most of my life..have to keep coming back to it...life gets busy but have to keep returning to what feels right.
Journaling: I'm a writer and a journaler and no they are not the same thing :-) I write each day as well as journal.
Exercise: Today I am heading back to the gym for 2 miles on the tredmill and some light weight training/lifting. Our whole family works out after the kids are out of school( 5 days a week), from about 3:30-5:00 p.m. ( Our two older boys are at MIZZOU and are bodybuilders, they work out with us when they are home.) I want to get back on my bike but may wait for that until Spring and warmer weather.
Another blog will contain changes I am already experiencing.
Be well...