I sent away for my heavy metal mercury test this morning.
www.mercout.com is the website address
I will report back when I receive the test and what it entails to take the test.
Please go to the website to have any questions answered.
I have no doubt that I have one of my fillings "leaking"..I have 4 mercury fillings...not happy about that but what am I to do?
I will check with "doc" to see if removing those fillings is a good idea.
I read years ago when i was first diagnosed that a mercury poisoning coul dbe the CAUSE of a thyroid disorder...I'm going to find out what's going on in my body.
I'm feeling pretty good, still have that high jittery feeling..think I'm on too much ARMOUR but won't get blood tests done yet until after the first of the year ( I think)..will be testing for Celiacs Disease, Pernicious Anemia and Diabetes too..oh joy!
I have not changed my diet yet. That is the last line to be crossed and I'm resistant..even though I KNOW I have to make HUGE changes there...starting off small may work better for me...I'm an admitted fast food addict...and people seem to laugh when I say that but it is TRUE..and NOT FUNNY! I've used "running" away from my house and eatting fast food as a way to NOT FEEL. I've known this for a good many years...am I ready to make the changes??
Be well...