Saturday, August 1, 2009

A FREE e-book "Dying To Get Well"

To: ALL Charitable Organizations Fighting Disease

We, the undersigned, feel the great importance and urgency to share with the public the truth about the human bodies ability to heal itself when one sets forth the proper conditions for healing to take place. People all over the world are reversing their illnesses/diseases naturally, solely by dietary and lifestyle changes. Even extreme, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer are being reversed via these natural and safe methods. The numbers are too large to be disregarded.

The fact that the undersigned are all experiencing new found health by foregoing the drugging and surgeries of conventional medicine is not coincidence. It can not be ignored. These are not miracles. These stories are proof that when we stop putting toxins in to the body, detox the body, and nourish the body with what it needs to maintain optimum health; then reversal of disease, either in whole or part, will take place.

This is not new information, just information that has been, and is still being covered-up. We, the undersigned, implore the employees and volunteers of all charitable organizations working to fight disease, to read, accept and investigate the truths we are sharing with you in this petition. If it is true that the reversal of disease is of your utmost concern, then the testimonies within this petition should inspire you to at the very least, consider raw foodism/natural hygiene as a non-harmful, natural solution to the reversal of the disease.

For myself personally, I have reversed the torturous daily pain of so-called "incurable" Fibromyalgia as well as severe LGS (leaky gut syndrome), daily migraines, chronic constipation, and chronic sinusitis. I did not reverse these diseases while on the drugs conventional medicine was telling me would 'help' me. My conditions always only worsened when following the advice of my doctors in conventional medicine. The reason being you can not cure a body by filling it with toxins. The toxins of prescription drugs are not the only culprit, the toxins of the SAD (standard american diet) are equally as devastating. The natural steps I took to reverse my disease can be found in my book Dying To Get Well. I send free e-book copies to anyone who requests it. Additionally I will send a free e-book copy to any worker or volunteer of any charitable organization that is working to find a cure to any disease. Please simply send me an email to with 'PLEASE SEND FREE COPY OF DTGW' in the subject line of the email.

There are far too many suffering needlessly simply because they do not know there is another option, a safe and natural option to heal themselves. The pharmaceutical companies, conventional medicine, and the food industry all play a huge role in keeing our stories,the truth about the reversal of disease, under cover. Please don't do the sick and dying this same injustice. If you are truly fighting to find a cure HERE it is in front of you in black and white. Will you ingore us too?


The Undersigned