I can't seem to keep up with this blog. It's been two months, but I'm back.
This is taken from the book by Gabriel Cousins; There is a Cure For Diabetes
Stage 1: Enervation
Enervation is the reduction of nerve energy, by which the body's normal maintenance and elimination functions are impaired, especially in terms of the elimination of endogenous and exogenous toxins, those created from within ( through normal metabolic processes) and from without ( in modern times including the 65,000 human-made toxins in our environment, and the excitotoxins, food additives, and toxins created by the cooking and processing of food). A person who is enervated is generally inactive, living in a toxic environment and consuming toxins that are not being released from the body in a timely manner.
Enervation is also created by stress, which uses up the vital energy in the body that would be applied to maintenance and elimination. Constipation occurs in the bowel, lymph, and tissues of the body. This is the diabetogenic diet and lifestyle we have been illistrating through out this book.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Seven Stages of Disease are...
reversing disease,