Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Seven Stages of Disease
Taken from Dr. Gabriel Cousins book There Is A Cure For Diabetes( Why do I post something from a diabetes book on a site for thyroid? because itis all connected. When you begin to correct what's going wrong, you healeverything. You can't heal selectively and my thinking is if there is a way toCURE diabetes then there is a way to CURE anything else too!) :-)The Seven Stages of Disease, formulated by Dr. John Tilden more than 100 yearsago, gives another perspective in how to understand the degenerative process ofdiabetes and how to reverse the process. "Health is what you consistently do,"and the same can be said of ill health. Disease is an acquired state that isearned over the years with identifiable stages that lead to the manifestation ofsymptoms, and even death, if we are not prudent enough to reverse the diseaseprocess and go backward through the seven stages. Even an acute viral-basedType-1 onset requires a disturbed terrain that allowed a weakened immune statethat produced susceptability to a viral infection, resulting in insulinitis anda rapid onset of Type-1 diabetes. Diabetes is a disease process with stagesthat we can progressively degenerate along, advancing the disease condition andcreating complications-or we can reverse the disease process. It depends onwhether we are aware of what is required to live a healthy life. HerbertShelton called this understanding the laws of life. If you understand andfollow these laws you'll be healthy. If you break them you will get sick. Thisis the meaning of Crimes Against Wisdom.Shelton wrote:The laws of life are not something imposed upon the organization of man. Theyare imbedded in the very structure of our being, in our tissues, our nerve andmuscle cells, our bloodstream, into the total organism...Since these laws arefundamental parts of us, we cannot run away from the laws of being withoutrunning away from ourselves.IN the Tree of Life program we teach what these natural ways are, and empoweryou to love by them. Let's look now at the Seven Stages of Disease.To be continued...In the weeks to come we will look at these 7 stages.I'd like to see active discussion on these. :-)Eat well, live well, be well.~Amy~