I have taken most of this the last 3 weeks. Have seen improvement in energy, hair growth, focusing my mind, and less pain in my back from the car accident on a daily basis...not gone by any means but less. Will get new blood work done after 3 months and re-group.
Supplements Amy is taking as of April 14th, 2009(will take for three months)
**Armour 120 mg a day (for hypothyroid)
**Super Ionic (Omica Health) 60 drops a day (Supercharged Concentrated Fulvic Acid over 70 ocean and plant derived ionic trace minerals
**Adrena~Pan-C 12 tabs a day ( adrenal support)
**B-12 sublingual 2000 MCG x2 ( Solaray)
**2-Iodoral w/ Omega-3 ( Purity Products-Omega-3, CoQ10 and plant sterols with Vit. D3)
**2-Iron Complex ( Integrative Therapeutics, Inc.) w/ Vita-C 2000 mg, sustained release ( Shaklee brand)
**Vita-E (Shaklee) 2 soft gels 400 i.u.
**B-Complex (Shaklee) 6 a day for stress
**Tumeric (Solaray) 6 a day for inflammation
**Selenium (Nature’s Way) 3 caps for mercury detox ( 4 mercury fillings in my mouth)
**Ambertose (Mannatech) 8 scoops a day for cellular communication
**Candida Support-2 tabs 2x’s a day (get from Dr. Rose)
**MonaVie 3-2oz. shots a day
**Hydrate II in water to open cellular walls for communication
**Bio-Active Homeopathic:
NADH Plus 3 sprays a day, hold in mouth 2 min.
Pituitary Forte 3 sprays a day, hold in mouth 2 min.
Thyrotox 7 drops 3 x’s a day
Lymph III 10 drops 3 x’s a day
Oligo Bio Iodine 7 drops 3 x’s a day
Lapachoplex 10 drops 3 x’s a day
Bio Aspen 10 drops 3 x’s a day
Diathesis I Manganese 10 drops 3 x’s a day
Bio Active Botanical: Karzan
NEW CHAPTER: Stress Support Multi: 3 tabs a day
Holy Basil 2 gel caps (uplifting, calm, balance)
2 Green smoothies a day- mixed greens (always changing this up from day to day), 1 organic apple( everything but the stem), organic frozen banana, ¼ organic lemon ( peel and seeds), flax oil or ground up seeds, David Wolfe’s Sun is Shinning and Vita Mineral Earth. This includes Spirulina and Chlorella
1 SUPER SMOOTHIE: all David Wolfe’s food…cacoa powder, coconut oil, gogi berries, cacoa nibs, cacoa butter, flax oil or seeds, red maca.
Melatonin 6 MG.
Bio Active Dios Crème: Natural Progesterone and Pregnenolone:2 x’s a day..at night and first thing in the morning~~ 0 the week of my period, ¼ tsp the 2nd and 3rd weeks, ½ tsp the 4th week.
Herb Lax-6
Pro-Biotic Pre-Biotic Shaklee brand for food allergies and or leaky gut syndrome
Liq. Cal/Mag Floradix brand…2 tablespoons before bed