The enervated body is now suffering the results of toxemia. The cells have initially become irritated. The next step of cellular changes and body degeneration is inflammation. The inflammation process produces the common "-itis". With skin it is dermatitis. In the throat it may be tonsillitis and, further on, esophagitis. In the stomach we find gastritis. In the small intestine, ileitis. In the colon, colitis. The heart may have carditis. With the liver it is hepatitis. You can have an inflammation ( an-itis) anywhere in the body.
The medical community has named many of the 20,000 distinctly different diseases. Allopathic practice tends to name the disease after the site where the toxins have accumulated and precipitated their symptoms. Once the set of symptoms is named, doctors usually prescribe pharmaceuticals at Stage 4, which do not remove the underlying causes that we are now familiar with. With diabetes and its complications, we see this stage of disease in the heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver, and nervous system. By allowing the accumulation of toxemia to advance, the body will continue to decline in energy and vitality. Further cellular changes will be found. Left unchecked and unheeded, the next stage of disease is ulceration.