Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blood Work 8-23-2009

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Blood Work 8-23-2009
Had a CBC with Diff & plt...
all of these results were in range ( all excellent)

TSH 0.267 ref. range 0.450-4.500
Calcitriol ( 1,25 di-OH Vit D) 54.0 ref. range 15.9-55.6
T4, ( free Direct) 0.65 ref. range 0.61-1.76
Thyroid Peroxidase ( TPO) Ab 111 0-34
Antithyroglobulin Ab 1669 0-40
Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum 2.7 2.3-4.2
Hematocrit 39.6 34.0-44.0

What do these numbers tell us?
In my opinion: tsh is too low, need to back off the medication ( am going from 120 mg. to 90 mg. ) Although Naturopath says all numbers look fine. there is some speculation that the antibody numbers come down the more medication you're on. I think my numbers are coming down because of other things..such as the amalgam/mercury fillings being replaced, getting rid of wheat/gluten and grains from my diet.

Vit D and Iron ( hematocrit) are good although having a test for Ferritin levels would be a good second test for the iron levels. I get a lot of sun, and for the first hour i do not wear sunscreen, in fact I quit wearing sunscreen and after about an hour I am wearing a hat and long sleeve shirt, light white cotton. I get Vit. in that Super Pill I take twice a day as well.

Seeing as I was anemic in Nov. 2007 and my Naturopath said it might take up to 5 years to raise my iron levels..I think something is going VERY RIGHT..with my absorption of the iron. :-) This is good.

The two test for the antibodies ( which tell us how bad the autoimmune issue is, Hashimoto's) have come down since the last test and are almost in half since the first test in Nov. 2007 where they were over 3000 and not registerable on their scale ( just said over 3000). So this is yet another good sign. YES still way too high, but we're working on that.

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